A documentary film series on the Italian Mafia Cosa Nostra, exploring its codes, exploring its activ...
With episodes focusing on Irish, Italian, black, and Jewish organized crime, this series explores th...
Weed Country is an American reality documentary television series on the Discovery Channel. The seri...
Cocaine kingpin Otoniel is the drug lord who scares all other drug lords.
Investigative journalists discover the history of the most dangerous Polish criminal groups of the '...
Ibiza is moving upmarket. With access to clubs, villas and yachts as well as police and emergency se...
Exploring the history and use of psychedelic plants. Psychedelica examines; Sacred Healing ,Integrat...
Gen Z through the eyes of Gen Z. In 'NO CAP' a young journalist investigates within her own generati...
Godfathers investigates the mob like no other documentary before it. From the mass immigration of It...
Using visual effects and CGI the effects of drugs on the human body are examine, and the myths and c...
The story of how the lottery invented to finance a zoo was incorporated by Rio de Janeiro's popular ...
Robert Durst, scion of NY's billionaire real-estate family, has been accused of three murders but ha...
Drugs: A multi-billion-dollar industry that fuels crime and violence like no other substance on the ...
Infiltrate the legendary secrecy of one of the world's most powerful criminal organisations to expos...
A young couple with a dream seek to build the world's first legal marijuana empire.