This documentary follows the second-year students of Set 36 at Norland College, a quintessentially British 120-year-old childcare training college in Bath which turns its students into elite 21st century Mary Poppins-style nannies. The programme gives an insight into how contemporary Norland students follow the college's traditions, though the students are also taught more modern disciplines, such as advanced driving skills, how to escape the paparazzi, taking corners at speed in the rain, lifesaving and self-defence. If they successfully finish the 14,000 pounds per year course, a lifetime of employment and travel prospects could be theirs for the taking. Norland Nannies have been sought after by the rich and famous for over a century. Most recently the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge hired a Norlander as nanny to Prince George. Founded in 1892 by Emily Ward, the college is renowned for its rigorous rules, traditional uniform, perfect hair and clean white gloves.
Millions dream of going into space, but how many of us have what it takes? Astronaut Chris Hadfield ...
One city, eight weeks and two contrasting schools come together to put on a professional production ...
Nature is given a voice to raise awareness that people need nature in order to survive.
Series following the lives of nine student paramedics as they go on their first ever placement with ...
And thus begins the most revolutionary biology course in history. Come and learn about covalent, ion...
Explore the magic and science of cinema. In each episode, Vsauce3’s Jake Roper takes you on an immer...