The Adventures of Shirley Holmes is a Canadian mystery TV series that originally aired from 1997 to 2000. The show was created by Ellis Iddon and Phil Meagher who had produced a successful series of books with Harper Collins, teaming up with Credo and Forefront to develop the TV series. Filmed in Winnipeg, Manitoba, the series follows the life of Shirley Holmes, the great grand-niece of Sherlock Holmes who, with the help of ex-gang member Bo Sawchuk, tackles a variety of mysteries in and around the fictional Canadian city of Redington. On some occasions, she found herself matching wits with archnemesis Molly Hardy. The show has been broadcast in over 80 countries and has been dubbed in French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, Norwegian, Polish and Turkish. Her performance in the show led to actress Meredith Henderson being nominated for a Gemini Award in 1998 and winning one in 1999. The show itself was twice nominated for a Gemini Award in the category "Best Children's or Youth Program or Series" in 1998 and eventually won it in 1999. In the spring of 1998 Susin Nielsen won a Gemini Award in the category "Best Writing in a Children's or Youth Program" for her screenplay of the episode "The Case of the Burning Building". In the same year, Elizabeth Stewart won a WGC Award from the Writers Guild of Canada for her writing of the episode "The Case of the Maestro's Ghost".
An unassuming mystery writer turned sleuth uses her professional insight to help solve real-life hom...
Dark Oracle is a Canadian-produced TV series that premiered in 2004 on the popular Canadian channel ...
With her son grown up, single mom Pearl Nolan decides to pursue her lifelong dream and launches a pr...
Based in Jacksonville, Oregon in the year 1992, life changes for the worst. People start going crazy...
Irreverent comedy drama which follows the messy lives, loves, delirious highs and inevitable lows of...
Eddie Sutton is a dedicated police officer, his wife Jenn, a devoted nurse, but their most important...
Shirakawa Jiro is a genius author. At the age of 15, his novel won the top prize. He has written 99 ...
Ultra-competitive fraternal twins Lindy and Logan Watson, together with their four best friends, nav...
Degrassi Junior High is a Canadian CBC Television teen drama series that was produced from 1987-1989...
A suburban family that takes in a mysterious teen naive to the world around him. As Kyle begins to s...
Black Hole High is a Canadian science fiction television program which first aired in North America ...
Into every generation a slayer is born: one girl in all the world, a chosen one. She alone will wiel...
Blue Water High is an Australian television drama series, broadcast by the Australian Broadcasting C...
Nancy Drew is a curious and fiercely independent 20-year old criminology student whose consummate pa...
Hillside (known as Fifteen in the United States) is a Canadian-American teen drama that aired on YTV...
A team of dedicated amateurs work on cases involving unidentified victims. After the police have giv...
Some teenagers are stranded on a desert island in Micronesia. Their plane crashed and led them into ...
When Jude Harrison enters G Major’s singer/songwriter contest, she knows her stuff will kill, but sh...