An original sitcom from YTV, revolving around the employees of a travel agency in Kyoto whose job is to respond to tourist customer complaints. Once called the “Travel Master” Kyoka Takase was transferred to a different office after a conflict with her superior. However with her expertise in planning and numerous connections, she uses her skills to create the perfect travel plan one customer at a time!
Yurie is just an ordinary middle school girl in the 1980's - until overnight she finds out that she ...
The life of a 15 year-old high school student, whose angst-ridden journey through adolescence, frien...
The story of a 15-year-old junior high school student. Hiroshi transfers from a private school to a ...
Sixteen-year-old Elias is one of the best players on one of Norway's best youth football teams. With...
Romance, rivalry and radical mystery collide as a group of teens attend a remote island sleepaway ca...
Yılmaz and İlkkan are two friends who are constantly fighting each other. Their biggest feature is a...
Shikimori seems like the perfect girlfriend: cute, fun to be around, sweet when she wants to be… but...
The whacky adventures of Ned Bigby and his best pals Moze and Cookie at James K. Polk Middle School,...
Six young people from New York City, on their own and struggling to survive in the real world, find ...
Common As Muck is a gritty BBC comedy drama serial focusing on the lives of a crew of bin men and th...
When Tsuyoshi rushed to school as usual, he found a girl who tried to help a kitten which couldn’t g...
Qi Tian, a sprinting prodigy with "golden ankles," gave up sprinting for various reasons but returne...
Nana Osaki is a guarded and ambitious young woman with a strong will and a rough past. She is the vo...
A housewife sits on the stoop of her apartment building in a black neighborhood of Washington, D.C.,...
Akebono City is a peaceful community overflowing with humanity. Since there was a Power Spot that re...
Don't Panic! The story of Arthur Dent, an average Englishman who life was spared by his friend, who ...
This world is all about do or die. There ain't no paradise. You go down once and you're out. This wo...