This six-part series follows the adventures of a gibbon expert battling to save Borneo’s threatened wildlife and using a very special radio station to do it. Chanee Brule is a young French zookeeper who has been fascinated by gibbons since childhood. Ten years ago he headed the call of the wild and left France for Indonesia. Determined to save Borneo’s gibbons – the magical singing apes of the forest – from extinction, he is responsible for the biggest gibbon rescue and rehabilitation program in Indonesia. His efforts are boosted by his role as lead DJ on Kalimantan’s most popular radio stations nicknamed “Radio Gibbon”. If that wasn’t enough, he’s in the process of building a new television studio – Gibbon MTV – where wild music and wildlife will collide.
Wildlife adventure series following a team of explorers in the heart of the tropical island of Borne...
This series follows the stories of the orangutans and the staff at the world’s biggest orangutan reh...
A follow-up to the 1990 Radio 4 series in which the late Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine travelled...
Joanna Lumley sets off on one of her most epic voyages yet, a journey through the world’s greatest s...
Judi Dench is setting out on a trip of a lifetime to uncover the lush rainforests, magical wildlife ...
The definitive story of the deadly 2004 tsunami as it travels from country to country, with unseen a...
Get an intimate look inside the Orangutan Jungle School in the heart of Borneo. Survey this sanctuar...
A rare glimpse of Asia’s most treasured landmarks, all seen from breath-taking heights. From busy ci...
Historian Hans Goedkoop is of Dutch-Indonesian descent. In a two-part TV program he talks to first, ...
Documentary from 1976 about the Indonesian struggle for independence. Unique archive footage and int...
Exploring some of the world's most isolated and iconic tropical islands.
Oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau and the Calypso set sail to research far-off cultures and specie...
Adriaan van Dis, child of a Brabant peasant and a Dutch-Indonesian father, after long hesitation, ma...
The islands of Indonesia remain a wild paradise. This series explores the incredible wildlife of thi...
The Miracle of Bali is a BBC series of cultural documentaries narrated by David Attenborough and fir...