The City is an American television soap opera that aired on ABC from November 13, 1995 to March 28, 1997. The show follows the loves and lives of the survivors of the Corinth Serial Killer as they all moved from the Pennsylvania town of Corinth to an apartment building in New York's SoHo district. The show was co-created by Agnes Nixon, the creator of Loving, and the show's last pair of headwriters, Barbara Esensten and James Harmon Brown. The show won two Daytime Emmy Awards in 1996.
The glamorous and exciting life for the staff of trendy magazine 'Communique', owned by Allen Rush, ...
Maggie and Negan travel to post-apocalyptic Manhattan - long ago cut off from the mainland. The crum...
Eric and Donny are roommates working in an investment firm so they can do the things they love: Eric...
Head of the Class is an American sitcom that ran from 1986 to 1991 on the ABC television network. T...
The series stars Gary Coleman and Todd Bridges as Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African American bo...
The Wayans Bros. is a situation comedy that aired from January 1995 to May 1999 on The WB. The serie...
An edgy, hip look at urban teen life in NYC, tracing the relationship between a smart Black kid from...
In a swanky New York City apartment tower, the earnest young handyman, who lives in the basement, lo...
The Ted Knight Show is a 1978 United States comedic television series starring Ted Knight which cent...
A stand-up comedian and his three offbeat friends weather the pitfalls and payoffs of life in New Yo...
Based on the bestselling book by Candace Bushnell, Sex and the City tells the story of four best fri...
An eccentric fun-loving judge presides over an urban night court and all the silliness going on ther...
Good Company is an American television sitcom that aired on CBS on Monday nights from March 3, 1996,...
Hot Properties is an ensemble ABC comedy featuring four women working together in a Manhattan real e...
Kirk is an American family sitcom which aired for two seasons on The WB from August 23, 1995 to Janu...
Checking In is an American sitcom that aired on CBS in April 1981. The series is a spin-off of The J...
U.S. Attorney is a drama pilot about a team of federal prosecutors in the U.S. Attorney's office in ...
Leap of Faith is a half-hour single-camera comedy that aired on NBC in early 2002, right after Frien...