This documentary series delves into the fascinating world of pawnbroking, through the eyes of Nykolas, Francis and Sylvain, two employees and an owner of "pawn shops" in Quebec. The reality of their job is not easy. Their main issues are quickly assess the value of objects by detecting the "true" "false", negotiating the price with the customer, all, ensuring their safety! Indeed, pawn shops see in all colors ... Therefore, what relationship do they have with the police about the stolen items? The program also addresses more personal issues, such as how to deal with prejudices surrounding their profession, considering that they are perceived as being associated with organized crime? Here's your chance to discover what a "pawn shop" in Quebec, a place that arouses even today the inglorious judgments.
Pawn Stars UK is a British reality television series which debuted on 26 August 2013. The series is ...
The series follows the day to day operations of Brothers Aaron and Ben Senes along with their childh...
Set in Johannesburg, the City of Gold, Pawn Stars South Africa opens the door to the Cash Inn pawn s...
Julia Wallace, a recently divorced woman with a precocious young daughter named Gracie, helps her m...
Beverly Hills Pawn travels to the luxury capital of the world to focus on the venerable Dina Collect...
Go inside the colorful world of the pawn business. At the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop on the outskirts o...
Taking an interdisciplinary approach to the history of science and invention, Connections explores a...
Documentary series about the effect of advances in science and technology on western society in its ...
Sequel series to the 1979 "Connections" where historian James Burke walks the viewer through the ten...
In the conclusion to his groundbreaking series, James Burke continues to make incredible connections...
The untold true story behind the Cold War race to put man into space.
I Love the '90s is a television mini-series produced by VH1 in which various music and TV personalit...
I Love the '80s is a decade nostalgia television program that was produced by VH1, based on the BBC ...
An intimate look into the personal lives of pop music's greatest and most influential artists.
Humorist Anne-Kat. Hærland and rock legend Petter Baarli make up the novice part of the crew on Jarl...
Matt Sloan, Aaron Yonda, and other incredible improv-comedians get drunk while playing board games.