3 South is an American animated series that aired on MTV. The show focused on two lifelong friends, Sanford and Del, and their adventures at the fictional Barder College. With the exception of their roommate Joe, nearly everyone at Barder is stupid and inept. Nonetheless, the idiotic, irresponsible, and thoughtless Sanford and Del are portrayed as the series' heroes, whereas the responsible, intelligent Joe is the de facto villain in most episodes. The series was created by Family Guy veteran writers Mark Hentemann and Steve Callaghan, based on a short film they had created years earlier. It is to-date the only animated series produced for MTV by Warner Bros. Animation. The show's theme song is The Flaming Lips' song "Fight Test" from the album Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots.
Based on the blockbuster films, this action-packed animated series starts a decade after the origina...
Undergrads is an animated television series centered on the lives of four college undergraduate fres...
Odd Job Jack was a Canadian animated comedy television show featuring Don McKellar, about one man's ...
Disheartened with judo, college student Haruki Bando was invited by his childhood friend Kazuma Hash...
Junjou Romantica: Pure Romance, stylized as Junjou Romantica ~Pure Romance~, is a yaoi series by Shu...
You haven't changed one bit. The texture of your rough lips, the way your hands come together as if ...
Keitaro and his childhood sweetheart make a promise to be accepted at and to meet each other at the ...
Zombie College was an American Flash cartoon series created by television writer Eric Kaplan and dir...
The world of tomorrow is an arid wasteland. Humans must live in domed cities to escape the threat of...
A letter from Cassell College broke the calm life of the youth. The unexpected admission notice, the...
After moving to Boston from Virginia, to spy on his sister who just started college, Boyd finds hims...
Nancy Drew is a curious and fiercely independent 20-year old criminology student whose consummate pa...
Legmen is an American drama series that aired on NBC on Friday nights from January 20, 1984 to March...
Ji Hyun is a freshman at a university in Seoul. He comes from a small rural town and is used to livi...
At Bedford University, six students are brought together in seminar called Sex and the Human Conditi...
Twenty is the age that everyone considers to be the best time of their lives. However, we have never...
Each year, seven strangers in their twenties, from different backgrounds and countries, are chosen t...
Trying to make a name for themselves in New York's competitive fashion scene, Ben Epstein and his fr...