"Löwengrube – Die Grandauers und ihre Zeit" is a German television series first aired between 1989 and 1992, created by Willy Purucker and directed by Rainer Wolffhardt. It is set in Munich and follows the lives of Ludwig Grandauer and his son Karl, both policemen, covering the years from 1897 to 1954. The TV show is based on Purucker's radio play series Die Grandauers und ihre Zeit (‘The Grandauers and their time’). The series’ main title "Löwengrube", meaning ‘Lions’ Den’, refers to the address of the Munich Police Headquarters inaugurated in 1913.
Little-known events that played a large role in determining the outcome of World War II are revealed...
A sweeping drama about the ruling and ruled classes of World War II India, the story begins with an ...
The three-part miniseries chronicles the life of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the thirty-second President ...
The story of the Convoys is a tale of compelling drama, full of bravery and tragedy. It takes us int...
Based on real-life experiences, Tenko remains one of the most fondly remembered and acclaimed BBC dr...
In January 1945, the young nurse Anna Mauth, working at a hospital in Dresden, becomes engaged to se...
The lives, loves and highs and lows of four members of the Women's Land Army working at the Hoxley E...
Explore an aspirational world where NASA and the space program remained a priority and a focal point...
World War II was marked by its epic battles, which decided the fate of nations and changed the cours...
Great Blunders Of World War II is a documentary series looking some of the worst errors of World War...
A comprehensive program that examines the events of World War I year by year, highlighting significa...
The Sullivans is an Australian drama television series produced by Crawford Productions which ran on...
As WW2 rages around the world, DCS Foyle fights his own war on the home-front as he investigates cri...
WWII history series following a four-man team as they explore the war zones of the Eastern Front in ...
Hybrid docuseries offering an expansive exploration of the exploitative and genocidal aspects of Eur...