The mini-series follows the construction and history of the famous Adlon hotel in Berlin, as seen th...
Ariana, who has been in a relationship for quite a while with Galvin and finally decided to get marr...
Pete, a handsome businessman was ordered by his grandmother to go look for her missing heir. Due to ...
Six teenagers fight for their dream of happiness and freedom, leaving behind all the problems with p...
Robert Schlag, nicknamed "Beat", is a Berlin club promoter who lives for the excesses of sex, drugs ...
All Imlie wanted was to create a name for herself in the city. But upon her arrival, she finds herse...
Virat sacrifices his love to honour the promise he made to a dying man. Trapped between the past and...
After a defector is murdered, British agent Fielding Scott is assigned to track down a mole in his o...
East Berlin, 1956. Bertolt Brecht, revolutionary of the theater and poet of the state, looks back: h...
Al fondo hay sitio is a Peruvian TV series created in 2008-2009 by Efraín Aguilar. It deals with the...
Praxis Bülowbogen is a German television series.
Weissensee is a German television series. The series is set in East Berlin in 1980 and 1987 and foll...
A contemporary spy series that follows Daniel Miller, an undercover agent at the CIA station in Berl...
Exile is a British psychological thriller television series dealing with the topic of Alzheimer's di...
In 1946 Berlin, an American cop searches for his missing brother while helping a novice German polic...
The owners of a dive bar in Brooklyn, Horace and Pete, along with bar regulars share their experienc...