The show's concept places two teams of celebrities and comedians in a series of competitions that have the teams sing, dance and create comedy sketches while overcoming multiple mental and physical obstacles. Instructed by guest team captains, two teams of comedians are instructed to create and participate in a set of unscripted improv skits, some of which take place on a set tilted at 22-1/2 degrees or some of which take place in complete darkness with the audience able to observe through night-vision cameras while the contestants blunder about.
An un-scripted comedy show in which four guest performers improvise their way through a series of ga...
TV series about the life of Brendon Small, an eight-year-old visionary who, using his friends Jason ...
This partially unscripted comedy brings viewers into the squad car as incompetent officers swing int...
Ross Noble embarks on a travelogue of Britain, basing all destinations and narrative on the suggesti...
Halfway Home is an American comedy series that aired on Comedy Central in Spring 2007. On its offic...
Leslie Pool returns to his native Ohio to run the Green & Grains grocery store he has just inherited...
Campus is a semi-improvised British sitcom created by the team behind the comedy sketch show Smack t...
The show where everything's made up and the points don't matter. Not a talk show, not a sitcom, not ...
Factory was a comedy television series. It premiered on Sunday, 29 June 2008 at 10:00 p.m. Eastern/9...
Each episode involves performers walking through a door into an unknown situation, greeted by the li...
Players is an American comedy series which premiered on the Spike network on March 2, 2010. The seri...
The off-kilter, unscripted comic vision of Larry David, who plays himself in a parallel universe in ...
In this improvisational comedy competition, four guest stars walk into a live improvised comedy sket...
Two NYPD Cops dialogue continuously, debating everything under the sun. Midtown is based on the tru...
UK-produced partially improvised comedy based on the original Australian show with the same name. In...
A fantasy comedy adventure series that melds live action comedians riffing on a stage in front of a ...