Miss Naked Beauty is a short-lived, six-episode reality television show produced by Maverick Television, aired on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom. The show, presented by Gok Wan and Myleene Klass, was conceived as a radical "reality" take on beauty pageants. Some 7000 women applied to become the "ultimate 21st century beauty queen". The focus of the program is on natural and diverse beauty, as opposed to surgically "enhanced" and conformist concepts of beauty. In the first episode, hundreds of remaining applicants were whittled down to just twelve finalists, by a panel of judges composed of fashion stylist Gok Wan, musician Myleene Klass, magazine editor James Brown, journalist Kathryn Flett and musician, actress and TV presenter Mica Paris. In subsequent episodes, various issues were explored such as body image, plastic surgery, self-esteem, modern versus Renaissance and earlier notions of beauty, eating disorders, over-reliance on makeup, the fashion industry. Meanwhile, the programme also progressed as a pageant, eliminating contestants in typical reality TV style, down to five finalists.
Crowned: The Mother of All Pageants is an eight-episode competition that featured multiple mother-da...
The plot is about a designer dress store (The winning crown) that sells exclusively designed pageant...
Miss Universe is an annual international beauty pageant that is run by the United States-based Miss ...
Pageant Place is an American reality show that follows Miss Universe Organization pageant winners Mi...
A beauty pageant formerly run, since 1983, by the Miss Universe Organization for girls aged 14–19.
The Miss USA Pageant is a beauty contest that has been held annually since 1952 to select the United...
Extreme Male Beauty is a British documentary series which began airing on Channel 4 and features tel...
'How to Love Without Losing Myself' despite the problems of career, dating, and friends. The story i...
“Missing Korea” is a romantic comedy set in the fictional year of 2020 when North and South Korea ha...
A series of films looking at the different shapes and sizes of bodies and people's attitudes to them
Documentary about teenagers and young women from the suburbs of Copenhagen.
When Lori Vallow's kids vanished, the search for them unearthed a trail of suspicious deaths, a new ...
Nan Hee is an ugly girl and this has influenced her to become mean. One day, she receives a ring whi...
Once bullied for her looks, Jugyeong transforms herself using the art of makeup. When she joins a ne...
Meena, a small-town girl, moves to Bangkok to achieve her dreams. She chances across Cherine who ask...
Beauty pageants are the stuff of dreams for so many girls who fantasize about being a princess for t...
Bullied for her looks, Mi-rae gets plastic surgery hoping for a better kind of life but faces new ch...
Lim Ju-kyung is a high school student. Since she was little, she has had a complex about her appeara...