Destino: São Paulo is an original television miniseries created for the Brazilian branch of the HBO Latin America. The series was produced by O2 Filmes, and directed by Alex Gabassi and Fábio Mendonça. It first aired on November 25, 2012. The miniseries consists of six episodes focusing on the lives of immigrants in São Paulo, Brazil. Each episode follows the life of a different group, portraying the frustrations, joys, and culture shock they face daily. Most of the characters are played by immigrants who were selected for the production, playing with their native language.
A story that details the the lives of ordinary civilians amidst the magnanimous changes in Chinese s...
Marking Time was an Australian television mini-series, consisting of four one-hour episodes. It firs...
Passionate reporters working for a third-rate newspaper fight against corruption and inequality.
Four strangers — a flight attendant escaping a suburban cult, an Afghan refugee fleeing persecution,...
When his father remarries, Yuta Asamura winds up sharing a roof with his new stepsister, Saki Ayase,...
Tide of Life follows the fortunes of young housekeeper, Emily Kennedy, as she learns about relations...
The story of how the young Queen Charlotte’s marriage to King George sparked both a great love story...
Passengers on an immigrant ship traveling to the new continent get caught in a mysterious riddle whe...
Wealth, lust, and betrayal set in the backdrop of Regency era England, seen through the eyes of the ...
Sol and Tião are born to different social backgrounds—she to a poor suburban family in Rio, and him ...
In the middle of untouched nature, surrounded by forests and grain fields of the Brandenburg provinc...
Welcome to new Sweden. Will Kristina manage to seduce the janitor? Can the employment officer convin...
The Border is a Canadian drama that aired on CBC Television and 20 other TV networks worldwide. It w...
Alhaja Eniola Salami starts anew and sets her sights on a different position of power, fueled by rev...
An irregularly broadcast omnibus series of two-minute mini-dramas based on the 17 goals of the SDGs ...
Bordertown is a 1995 Australian TV miniseries. It takes place in a post World War II refugee camp in...
Several families in the farmland of Northern California navigate universal themes of class, immigrat...
Forced to choose between her alien husband and her home planet, a United Earth Space Corps officer h...
Ellis Island is a television miniseries broadcast in three parts in 1984 on the CBS television netwo...