The series revolves around a single bachelor (deemed eligible) and a pool of romantic interests, which could include a potential wife for the bachelor. The conflicts in the series, both internal and external, stem from the elimination-style format of the show. Early in the season, the bachelor goes on large group dates with the women, with the majority of women eliminated during rose ceremonies. As the season progresses, women are also eliminated on one-on-one dates and on elimination two-on-one dates. The process culminates with hometown visits to the families of the final few women, overnight dates, should they choose to accept, at exotic locations with the final three women, and interaction with the bachelor's family with the final two women. In many cases, the bachelor proposes to his final selection.
One radiant woman in her golden years is given a second chance at love. The men vying for her final ...
For six engaged couples, happily ever after begins on a spectacular note in this eye-popping look at...
Five Canadians searching for their soulmates open up their farms – and their hearts – to a select gr...
One hopeless romantic is given a second chance at love in the search for a partner with whom to shar...
Just how far people will go to start, stop, or save a relationship? That's the question this show at...
Singles seek the love of their lives and their mothers seek the ideal daughter-in-law for their sons...
Five farmers look for love. The suitors will have to carry out various tests related to the world of...
Singles from various parts of the country meet for the first time at a restaurant table. At the end ...
Two single people who do not know each other and are looking for love are selected to meet in a car....
One beautiful single woman. 14 sexy bachelors. A million-dollar prize. Think you know where this is ...
A single bachelor dates multiple women over several weeks, narrowing them down to hopefully find his...
Is it possible to fall in love with a complete stranger? In 30 minutes? Whilst undressed? Undressed...
Drag icon Miss Vanjie has just 24 hours to find love in a mansion filled with 18 men! Vanjie: 24 Hou...
Interactive dating experiment in which real dates are filmed, and then viewers get the chance to app...
American version of the British dating reality competition in which ten singles come to stay in a vi...