Demob was a short-lived British comedy-drama television series, which screened for one six-episode series in 1993 on ITV. The series was set in the late 1940s and early 1950s, and starred Martin Clunes and Griff Rhys Jones as two ex-army friends who decide to try to form an entertainment act, with the aim of getting work on BBC radio. The series also starred Samantha Womack, Amanda Redman and Les Dawson.
Introducing the Walmington-On-Sea home guard. During WW2, in a fictional British seaside town, a rag...
Colditz is a British television series co-produced by the BBC and Universal Studios and screened bet...
Tormented and bedridden by a debilitating disease, a mystery writer relives his detective stories th...
Gibbsville is an American drama television series starring John Savage and Gig Young that aired on N...
In 1940s British India, archnemeses Mallikajaan and Fareedan are locked in a battle of succession of...
In which a good-looking college student, Gonta Tamachi, reconsiders himself when his powerful grandm...
The comic adventures of a group of misfits who form an extremely bad concert party touring the hot a...
The Camomile Lawn is British adaptation of the Mary Wesley's classic novel that aired on Channel 4. ...
This is the story of Hector, a boy who is kicked out of his band because they think he is not cool e...
A Netflix comedy series written and directed by Catherine Tate set in a women's prison. Tate plays m...
A star-laden adaptation of Anton Myrer's sprawling 1978 novel tracing the lives of five Harvard roo...
During the Suez Crisis of 1956, two young clerks at the stuffy Foreign Office in Whitehall display l...
The Sullivans is an Australian drama television series produced by Crawford Productions which ran on...
A League of Their Own is an American sitcom that aired from April 10, 1993 to April 24, 1993 with tw...
Pumpkin Scissors is a manga created and authored by Ryotaro Iwanaga. Originally serialized in Magazi...
Helmuth Hübener, a 16-year-old boy, forms a resistance group with his friends Karl and Rudi after wi...
Charles Ryder, an agnostic man, becomes involved with members of the Flytes, a Catholic family of ar...