Packages from Planet X is a US/Canadian animated television series produced by American Greetings and DHX Media that first premiered on Disney XD on July 13, 2013. A charismatic 15-year-old, Dan Zembrosky, from the bizarre town of Iron Bay suddenly receives strange, cryptic packages from an evil alien planet. The packages arrive in various forms and Dan and his two best friends use them to their own advantage, whether it be to make the soccer team, pass a test to avoid summer school or get out of trouble, all while keeping the mysterious contraptions out of the hands of Copernicus, an evil alien who is plotting to take over the world.
Irreverent comedy drama which follows the messy lives, loves, delirious highs and inevitable lows of...
When Adam, Prince of the planet Eternia, raises his magic sword he transforms into He-Man (the most ...
Life on a Stick is an American sitcom that aired on Fox from March 24 to April 27, 2005. Thirteen ep...
Follow the intergalactic adventures of Capt. Jean-Luc Picard and his loyal crew aboard the all-new U...
Alana, a girl from the year 3000, is kidnapped by Silverthorn, a criminal from the year 2500, and br...
Based in Jacksonville, Oregon in the year 1992, life changes for the worst. People start going crazy...
Ultra-competitive fraternal twins Lindy and Logan Watson, together with their four best friends, nav...
Two awkward freshmen desperate to fit try to adjust to life at Weemawee High School.
Scully was a British television drama with some comedy elements set in the city of Liverpool, Englan...
Meet the Diffy family, a futuristic family from the year 2121. When the eccentric dad, Lloyd, rents ...
In a vast and mysterious multiverse with fantastic alternative realities, a metaphysical entity has ...
Seven teens from different backgrounds attend a weight loss camp as they embark on their individual ...
Comedy drama about a girl with a magical cookbook. It feels to Lulu as if her life cannot get any wo...
Brady and Boomer, 16-year-old fraternal twins, are typical teens being raised by relatives in Chica...
Max Graham and his group of friends run a start-up out of his parent's garage.
At the Galleria Mall, six teens learn the ropes at their first jobs while negotiating the bumpy road...
Meet Zack and Cody, 11 year-old identical twins and the newest residents of Boston's swanky Tipton H...
The story of Stargate SG-1 begins about a year after the events of the feature film, when the United...