Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) is a British private detective television series. In the initial epis...
Stu Bailey and Jeff Spencer are the wisecracking, womanizing private-detective heroes of this Warner...
Gabriel's Fire is an American television series that ran on ABC in the USA in 1990–1991. A revamped ...
Black Tie Affair is an American crime drama spoof that aired from May 29 until June 19, 1993.
From England to Egypt, accompanied by his elegant and trustworthy sidekicks, the intelligent yet ecc...
Sherlock Holmes uses his abilities to take on cases by private clients and those that the Scotland Y...
Banacek is an American detective TV series starring George Peppard that aired on the NBC network fro...
Adrian Monk was once a rising star with the San Francisco Police Department, legendary for using unc...
Brothers work as private investigators.
Rocky King, Inside Detective is an American television series broadcast on the DuMont Television Net...
Jake Doyle and his ex-cop father, Malachy, run a Newfoundland detective agency. Their rugged seaside...
Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer, with Stacy Keach in the title role, is a television series that origi...
Baywatch Nights is an American police and science fiction drama series that aired in syndication fro...
After being duped and going bankrupt, model Maddie is convinced by David to become a partner in a de...
Cassie & Co. is an American drama series starring Angie Dickinson that aired on NBC in 1982.
Surfside 6 was an ABC television series which aired from 1960 to 1962. The show centered on a Miami ...
Private Eyes Tom Lopaka and Tracy Steele are based out of Hawaiian Village Resort where they work bo...
Jack Irish is a man getting his life back together again. A former criminal lawyer whose world implo...
Michael Shayne is an American detective television series starring Richard Denning that aired on NBC...
A modern day version of the 1969 detective series about Private Investigator Jeff Randall, who is ai...