Dates is a British television romantic drama series created by Bryan Elsley, who also created Skins, which first aired on Channel 4 on 10 June 2013, at 22:00, as part of its "Mating Season" programming, illustrating a series of first dates between online dating service users. The show's target audience is "ABC1".
Mix Cellini is obsessed. And not just with the supermodel he's been stalking. He's also endlessly fa...
Keen Eddie is an American action, comedy-drama television series that aired in 2003 on the Fox Netwo...
A chance meeting after a cancelled flight leads to an unlikely night of drunken airport-hotel sex be...
Molly Dodd — a mid-30s, divorced woman living in New York — faces the comedy and drama of a widely c...
A lighthearted romantic comedy about post-collegiate life, love and career in New York City.
On a freezing December night in 1963, 13-year-old Alison Carter took her dog for a walk and was neve...
DS Barbara Havers is assigned to work with the upper-crust DI Thomas Lynley to solve murders.
Crime drama series featuring Life On Mars' DCI Gene Hunt. After being shot in 2008, DI Alex Drake la...
Night and Day is a British soap opera which was produced by Granada Television for LWT and ran on IT...
When the head of a criminal organisation, Finn Wallace is assassinated, the sudden power vacuum his ...
The true story of London Metropolitan police detective Colin Sutton's manhunt for serial criminals.
Based on the bestselling book by Candace Bushnell, Sex and the City tells the story of four best fri...
Cult drama series about a group of aspiring young lawyers sharing a shabby house in London, charting...
Story of a young girl named Mo Li, who faces obstacles such as the withdrawal of her fashion partner...
Jiang Lili, the "loser" was forced to pretend to be her twin sister because of an accident. After ex...