A drama consisting of several separate episodes, each episode discusses a different issue of men and...
A group of middle-class neighbors who live in the same building get exposed to situations regarding ...
Fasting is not all fasting, this is what the series explains through Professor Siam, who modifies ev...
The series tells the story of Bakiza, who was surprised after the death of her rich elderly husband ...
The events of the series revolve around a dramatic framework about a physical education teacher who ...
An Egyptian social comedy series, the events of which take place in separate connected episodes betw...
The story of a pharmacist who wants to settle down and get married before reaching the age of thirty...
A married couple decide to separate after the marriage of their children, as they divide the apartme...
As Dr. Noman's daughter and her husband go on secondment, they decide to leave their daughter Hend w...
In a setting of comedy and horror, Benno is forced to return to Cairo in order to settle his inherit...
Rizqa adopts and raises her nephew Maghawry after his mother dies during his birth. He grows up with...
The series takes place in the Askar hamlet between two families, the Ouf family has the land and his...
The idealistic rural man Abo El-Ela resumes his journey with his family, as he struggles to fight co...