The series follows the hilarious everyday routines of four girls in the Kameido High tennis club who...
Follow the journeys of Simone Hicks, a tennis hopeful from Beverly Hills, and elite baseball player ...
A group of young adults working at a paradisiac resort live an unforgettable summer as they discover...
Four normal girls could've moved to Oslo with ambitious #lifegoals and unstoppable career opportunit...
Ryoma Echizen is a young tennis prodigy who has won 4 consecutive tennis championships but who const...
After returning from abroad after a break-up with his long-term partner, Justin plans to connect wit...
Like other teens in California, the lives of the Laguna Beach teenagers are filled with sandy beache...
Eiichirō Maruo (nicknamed "Ei-chan" for his grades being straight "A") is an honor student, bookworm...
Unceremoniously dumped by her influencer boyfriend, a young and dedicated talent handler vows to mov...
Follow the Delaneys, who from the outside appear to be an enviably contented family. Former tennis c...
15/Love was a Canadian-produced television series that revolves around the lives of aspiring young t...
Narrator Jeffy, now an adult, recounts his youthful adventures in the mid-1980s with humour and nost...
A tennis whiz beats the odds to excel on the court while juggling school and inspiring teammates. Ba...
Notable and notorious personalities share their most candid party stories with help from emerging ar...
Sakurai Misaki has not dated in a long time. She has focused on her work as a pâtissier to eventuall...
Constantly outperformed by the girls' club, the boys' soft tennis club faces disbandment due to thei...
The girls of the Usakame High tennis club, Kinako Tanaka, Ayako Suzuki, Kurumi Satou, and Nishi Nish...