Tayo the Little Bus is a South Korean computer-generated animated television series created by Educational Broadcasting System, Iconix Entertainment, Seoul and Hot Animation which is owned by HiT Entertainment. The Korean-dubbed series began airing on EBS in 2010 and the English-dubbed series aired on Disney Junior in 2012. The latter is also scheduled to air on Disney Channel and Cartoonito in 2013. The narrator of the UK series is Michael Angelis who also narrates the UK series of Thomas & Friends.
There are metal cadbots on Earth that are living by transforming them into beacles, hiding stagnatio...
Tiana sets off for a grand new adventure as the newly crowned Princess of Maldonia, but a calling to...
Return to the fantastical city of San Fransokyo where the affable, inflatable, inimitable healthcare...
IMMORTALITY Fang Han, a humble family slave, always held the belief that "I would rather be a beggar...
Follow the adventures of a group of young cartoon characters who attend the Acme Looniversity to bec...
A pink-haired girl named Stephanie moves to LazyTown with her uncle (the mayor of LazyTown), where s...
A British children's musical television comedy programme aimed at and mostly about teenagers, which ...
A group of East High students countdown to the opening night of their school’s first-ever production...
Ace Bunny, Tech E. Coyote, Danger Duck, and friends are transformed into superheroes when a meteor h...
Somewhere out in the deep space live the Herculoids. Humanoid Zandor, along with his wife Tara and s...
Any Malu is a funky, charismatic and fun girl with a big heart and a even bigger mouth. She always d...
Shake, Rattle, and Roll is one of the six short segments part of the CB Bears animated comedy televi...
OH NO! It's An Alien Invasion! is a Canadian animated television series that is produced by Nelvana ...
A teenage rabbit aspiring to become a real samurai teams up with new warrior friends to protect thei...
The curious six-year-old Buster, a popular Little Baby Bum character, is a friendly and eager-to-lea...
The Huckleberry Hound Show is a 1958 syndicated animated series and the second from Hanna-Barbera fo...
This is the story of Hector, a boy who is kicked out of his band because they think he is not cool e...
Having spent the summer engaging common criminals with his new-found powers, not so typical 16-year-...