The Diamond Queen is a landmark BBC documentary series, presented by Andrew Marr, which looks at the life of Queen Elizabeth II. The series focuses on her accession, her daily routine, how she is seen as a role model and how she is coping in her 60th year as monarch. The programme features archive footage of the Queen, as well as in-depth footage of her major engagements since the beginning of 2010 to late 2011.
The BBC’s Platinum Jubilee coverage 2022 including: The Queen’s Birthday Parade Trooping the Colour,...
The real relationship between the royal siblings.
Since her glittering coronation, Queen Elizabeth II has become one of the most powerful and respecte...
Celebrate the Diamond Jubilee by taking a look back at the Queen's incredible reign.
I Love the '80s is a decade nostalgia television program that was produced by VH1, based on the BBC ...
Maria da Graça Xuxa Meneghel, about to celebrate her 60th birthday and more than 40 years in the bus...
Even as a child, Lee knew she was different. The feeling of being born in the wrong body grew and af...
Alice Roberts and her fellow historians explore Britain's long-standing obsession with invasion, by ...
A look at women in their 20s who make money from having relationships with men over 50. This work ea...
Documentary showing the many travails of the UK Labour Party during its long period in opposition fr...
Climate change is everyone's problem, but the devastating effects aren't felt evenly. In partnership...
In conversation with... Japan expert Robert Campbell sits down with individuals from all walks of li...
This documentary takes an entertaining and informative look at the German Heimatfilm phenomenon. The...