Iron Chef America: The Series is an American cooking show based on Fuji Television's Iron Chef, and is the second American adaptation of the series, following the failed Iron Chef USA. The show is produced by Food Network, which also carried a dubbed version of the original Iron Chef. Like the original Japanese program, the program is a culinary game show. In each episode, a new challenger chef competes against one of the resident "Iron Chefs" in a one-hour cooking competition based on a secret ingredient or ingredients, and sometimes theme. The show is presented as a successor to the original Iron Chef, as opposed to being a remake. The Chairman is portrayed by actor and martial artist Mark Dacascos, who is introduced as the nephew of the original Japanese chairman Takeshi Kaga. The commentary is provided solely by Alton Brown, & Kevin Brauch is the floor reporter. The music is written by composer Craig Marks, who released the soundtrack titled "Iron Chef America & The Next Iron Chef" by the end of 2010. In addition, regular ICA judge and Chopped host Ted Allen provided additional floor commentary for two special battles: Battle First Thanksgiving and Battle White House Produce.
Lego Masters is a French reality television show based on the international franchise of the same na...
Renowned Mexican-American chef Aarón Sánchez travels to Los Angeles, Houston, Miami and New York to ...
Teams of amateur robot fighting enthusiasts battle it out over a series of rounds in a huge purpose-...
The Games is a British reality television series that ran on Channel 4 for four series, in which 10 ...
Chef and restaurateur John Torode and food writer and ingredients expert Gregg Wallace search for th...
A group of "Beauties" and a group of "Geeks" are paired up to compete as couples for a shared $250,0...
Selena Gomez heads out of her home kitchen and into the kitchens of some of LA’s hottest restaurants...
The hottest new item That allows everyone to survive in this era! Compete to the death, who will sur...
It's the "Nailed It!" holiday special you've been waiting for, with missing ingredients, impossible ...
Gordon Ramsay gets down to business with a select group of food and drink industry professionals, as...
Fifteen former I’m a Celebrity campmates return to take on South Africa, an even harder proposition ...
This series is a fascinating introduction to simple, delicious, healthy Korean food, quick and easy ...
French version of the reality competition show in which chefs compete against each other in culinary...
Celebrities compete in a singing competition with one major twist: each singer is shrouded from head...
A new type of talk show where the MCs visit a neighborhood and spontaneously call their acquaintance...
In a BattleBots event the competitors are remote-controlled armed and armored machines, designed to ...
Yo Momma is a American reality television game show based upon the black urban culture of insulting ...
The reality show of a full-scale cooking competition that builds on the success of Iron Chef Thailan...