Justice is a British drama television series which originally aired on ITV in 39 hour-long episodes between 8 August 1971 and 16 October 1974. Margaret Lockwood stars as Harriet Peterson a female barrister in the North of England. It was made by Yorkshire Television and was based loosely on Justice Is a Woman, an episode of ITV Playhouse broadcast in 1969 in which Lockwood had previously also played a barrister. The theme music was Crown Imperial by William Walton.
Kate McShane is an American legal drama television series that aired from September 10 until Novembe...
Irreverent comedy drama which follows the messy lives, loves, delirious highs and inevitable lows of...
Japan has a conviction rate of 99.9% for criminal cases that go to trial. A lawyer (Hiroki Hasegawa)...
Drama series about the staff and patients at Holby City Hospital's emergency department, charting th...
Justice is an American legal drama produced by Jerry Bruckheimer that aired on Fox in the USA and CT...
L.A. Law is an American television legal drama series that ran for eight seasons on NBC from Septemb...
The peacefulness of the Midsomer community is shattered by violent crimes, suspects are placed under...
Wycliffe is a British television series, based on W. J. Burley's novels about Detective Superintende...
Hope and Glory is a BBC television drama about a comprehensive school struggling with financial, sta...
This historical mini-series documents the reign of Elizabeth I with each episode focusing on one dra...
When an insidious supernatural force edges its way into a seemingly straightforward investigation in...
Just Cause is an award-winning Canadian legal drama television series produced by Mind's Eye Enterta...
A horrific murder upends the Chicago Prosecuting Attorney's Office when one of its own is suspected ...
Government tax lawyer Hye Sung meets Su Ha, who has the ability to read people's thoughts.
The series revolves around a fictional Hong Kong senior counsel named Tony Cheung. Senior Counsel Ch...
Dan Snow explores the political intrigues and family betrayals between the Vikings, Anglo-Saxons and...
Many lawyers consider themselves prophets, but Eli Stone may be the real deal. Eli has built a succe...
Scully was a British television drama with some comedy elements set in the city of Liverpool, Englan...
Matti is on a career path in the traditional and large Benson law firm, where his wife Eeva Benson i...