Combat! is an American television program that originally aired on ABC from 1962 until 1967. The show covered the grim lives of a squad of American soldiers fighting the Germans in France during World War II. The program starred Rick Jason as platoon leader Second Lieutenant Gil Hanley and Vic Morrow as Sergeant "Chip" Saunders.
Renton Thurston desires to leave his home behind and join the mercenary group known as Gekkostate, h...
The 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital is stuck in the middle of the Korean war. With little help ...
18 years old Engraçadinha starts a secret love affair with her cousin Sílvio, who's engaged to her b...
E-Ring is an American television military drama, created by Ken Robinson and David McKenna and execu...
Little-known events that played a large role in determining the outcome of World War II are revealed...
A group of brave youth who are not afraid of bullets, guns, and hardships. The students stay firm in...
A sweeping drama about the ruling and ruled classes of World War II India, the story begins with an ...
Demob was a short-lived British comedy-drama television series, which screened for one six-episode s...
The three-part miniseries chronicles the life of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the thirty-second President ...
The story of the Convoys is a tale of compelling drama, full of bravery and tragedy. It takes us int...
Homefront is an American television drama series created and produced by Lynn Marie Latham and Berna...
Based on real-life experiences, Tenko remains one of the most fondly remembered and acclaimed BBC dr...
In January 1945, the young nurse Anna Mauth, working at a hospital in Dresden, becomes engaged to se...
Gibbsville is an American drama television series starring John Savage and Gig Young that aired on N...
The lives, loves and highs and lows of four members of the Women's Land Army working at the Hoxley E...
World War II was marked by its epic battles, which decided the fate of nations and changed the cours...