Project Accessory, an American reality television series, was a spin off of the series Project Runway. It began airing on Lifetime on October 28, 2011. On the show, contestants were given challenges in which they must create various fashion accessories with restrictions for materials, subject matter, and time. One or more contestants were eliminated each episode after appearing before a judging panel.
Teams of amateur robot fighting enthusiasts battle it out over a series of rounds in a huge purpose-...
This Complex series follows the paper trail of musicians, athletes and influencers in LA as they blo...
A group of "Beauties" and a group of "Geeks" are paired up to compete as couples for a shared $250,0...
Starting from nothing, 13 players compete for a spot in a luxury villa and a shot at 150,000 euros i...
Dance competition featuring celebrities reliving the classic film’s most memorable dance moments in ...
The hottest new item That allows everyone to survive in this era! Compete to the death, who will sur...
Yo Momma is a American reality television game show based upon the black urban culture of insulting ...
Viidakon tähtöset on keväällä 2012 Sub-kanavalla alkanut sarja. Sarjaan valitut kymmenen julkkista j...
The reality show of a full-scale cooking competition that builds on the success of Iron Chef Thailan...
In a BattleBots event the competitors are remote-controlled armed and armored machines, designed to ...
The competition sees celebrities perform choreographed dance routines which are judged by a panel of...
A single bachelorette dates multiple men over several weeks, narrowing them down to hopefully find h...
Lost is a reality television show screened in the United States and United Kingdom in late 2001. It ...
One beautiful single woman. 14 sexy bachelors. A million-dollar prize. Think you know where this is ...
An out-of-this-world new unscripted series, in which household names trade in their possessions, sta...
Star Académie is the biggest musical phenomenon on television. During the week, the Quotidienne foll...
Lego Masters is a French reality television show based on the international franchise of the same na...