Seven Dwarves is a seven-part documentary reality television series commissioned by Channel 4 in the United Kingdom. The show follows seven dwarf actors as they prepare for and take part in the pantomime Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The series began broadcasting on 16 August 2011 in the 9pm primetime slot. The first episode attracted more than 2.5 million viewers. The subsequent episodes were equally popular, with the second episode being watched by 2.77 million people.
Warwick Davis is joined by his family for this new series about holidaying in Great Britain. As a ke...
The daily lives of persons of short stature, people who do not go unnoticed and for whom each day br...
A group of little ladies navigate the Big Apple while facing obstacles that test people even of aver...
Reality show following Little Women: LA star Terra Jole which begins as she prepares to welcome her ...
The Johnstons, a family of little people, juggle family and health issues on top of a home renovatio...
Half Pint Brawlers is a wrestling company and television series. The company is considered the crazi...
The Wizard is a live-action, family friendly, action/adventure series created by Michael Berk, Dougl...
The adventures of a unique group of smart, sexy and funny girlfriends with big hearts and big person...
These new little ladies turn it up wherever they go, especially with club promoter Emily Fernandez l...
Follow the adventures of a group of young, vibrant little women living in Dallas. People often stare...
The Borrowers are small, 15cm high humans who live in the English hinterland. They live out their li...
Bill Klein and Jen Arnold are just like your average couple – except they’re both under 4 feet tall!...
Embark on a global cultural journey into street food and discover the stories of the people who crea...
Reveals how maps shape not only our sense of geography, but also our social, political, and even rel...
Explore the story of Jesus Christ through a unique lens: the people in his life who were closest to ...
The daily life and training of a group young committed farmers who work at the Ferme des Quatre-Temp...