The Renovators is an Australian competitive reality renovation game show that premiered on Network Ten on 24 July 2011. The basic premise consists of 26 contestants who initially compete to become the head renovator of six run-down houses in the suburbs of Sydney, with challenges and eliminations taking place whilst the renovations are in progress. The last remaining contestant responsible for the property that has made the most profit when sold at auction wins the series. Network Ten announced in August 2011 that it had commissioned a second season of the series, but indicated that it would modify the program's format in order to address poor ratings, but to date no second season has been produced.
With the help of a team of experts and friends, two families compete to design, construct and decora...
Nicole Curtis is back to rescue overwhelmed do-it-yourselfers in Detroit who feel they're out of opt...
Twelve celebrities are abandoned in the Australian jungle. In order to earn food, they must perform ...
Some of the most exciting names in pastry, desserts and all things sweet and delicious will bring th...
Four teams are given eight weeks to turn run-down beach properties into a dream vacation homes in th...
Troy Dean Shafer remodels houses primarily from the 1800's and early 1900's, restoring original feat...
For one innovative Colorado deck and landscape company, outdoor living is art and they’ll show you h...
Become a better plant parent with plant specialist Hilton Carter's complete guide to plant care. Hil...
Three couples are pitted against each other in a 13-week home remodeling competition that will ultim...
Documenting Chip and Joanne Gaines' most ambitious project: the renovation of a historic building in...
Move from inspiration into action with hand-picked experts in home, kitchen, garden and the arts. Wh...
Maureen McCormick and designer Dan Vickery overhaul homes that are stuck in a design time warp.
An ambitious group of eight amateur home remodelers team up to renovate an amazing old house one roo...
Brazil’s Fab Five use their knowledge of well-being, style, grooming, design and culture to transfor...
With a little help from Chip and Joanna, first-time house renovators take their home renovation drea...
Watch people buy homes that are fixer upper and then turn them into their dream home
Émilie Cerretti lends a helping hand to cottage owners in need of renovation inspiration. Teaming up...