The Saddle Club is a children's television series based on the books written by Bonnie Bryant Like the book series, the scripted live action series follows the lives of three teenage girls in training to compete in equestrian competitions at the fictional Pine Hollow Stables, while dealing with problems in their personal lives. Throughout the series, The Saddle Club navigates their rivalry with Veronica, training for competitions, horse shows, and the quotidian dramas that arise between friends and staff in the fictional Pine Hollow Stables. In each show, The Saddle Club prevails over its adversities, usually sending a message emphasizing the importance of friendship and teamwork.
Some teenagers are stranded on a desert island in Micronesia. Their plane crashed and led them into ...
Maddigan's Quest was a fantasy-based television series set in a post-apocalyptic future. It was base...
As a single father of five teenage boys, Nick Savage faces the daunting challenge of trying to contr...
Dark Oracle is a Canadian-produced TV series that premiered in 2004 on the popular Canadian channel ...
Three adolescent boys, Ed, Edd "Double D", and Eddy, collectively known as "the Eds", constantly inv...
Based in Jacksonville, Oregon in the year 1992, life changes for the worst. People start going crazy...
The life of a 15 year-old high school student, whose angst-ridden journey through adolescence, frien...
Aquila is a British children's television show which aired on the BBC from 1997 to 1998. An episode ...
Wilbur Post and his wife Carol move into a beautiful new home. When Wilbur takes a look in his new b...
Degrassi Junior High is a Canadian CBC Television teen drama series that was produced from 1987-1989...
The Animals of Farthing Wood is an animated series created by the European Broadcasting Union betwee...
A suburban family that takes in a mysterious teen naive to the world around him. As Kyle begins to s...
So Little Time is an American sitcom starring Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen that aired on Fox Family. T...
Clarissa Darling is a teen girl dealing with typical pre-adolescent concerns such as school, boys, p...
Into every generation a slayer is born: one girl in all the world, a chosen one. She alone will wiel...
Blue Water High is an Australian television drama series, broadcast by the Australian Broadcasting C...
Scully was a British television drama with some comedy elements set in the city of Liverpool, Englan...
Meet the Diffy family, a futuristic family from the year 2121. When the eccentric dad, Lloyd, rents ...
Naturally, Sadie is a Canadian comedy teen drama sitcom that ran for three seasons from June 24, 200...