Roast is a Chinese stand-up comedy show. In each episode, an experienced celebrity with great interi...
Based on the Norwegian comedian Jonis Josef's childhood.
In front of an audience, comedians face off in all-out comedy duels. Three Judges decide the fates o...
"Roastmaster General" Jeff Ross and a slew of guest stars poke fun at major historical figures while...
Tired of the constant comments on her relationship status, perpetually single Johanne starts a 24-da...
Ten years after the smash hit "Santas in the barn", the Christmas gnomes are finally back. In "Santa...
Comics compete onstage while adhering to the Roast Battle rules: original material only, no physical...
Norwegian sitcom about life on an idyllic street in Granli Norway, where the fences are low and neig...
Typisk norsk is a news and magazine program about language and communication produced by Dropout Pro...
Anne Lindmo invites guest for a chat and some live music on her weekly talk show.
Christmas on the Moontop is a Norwegian christmas series. It was produced and sent on NRK in 2002 wi...