Silk is a British television drama series produced by the BBC and first shown in 2011. Written by Peter Moffat, the series follows a set of barristers, and what they do to attain the rank of Queen's Counsel, known as "taking silk."
Crown prosecutors live in a world where the stakes are naturally high. It is a world where home robb...
Theodore 'Teddy' Hoffman is a highly-regarded defense attorney in a prestigious Los Angeles law firm...
The series revolves around a fictional Hong Kong senior counsel named Tony Cheung. Senior Counsel Ch...
Ally McBeal is a young lawyer working at the Boston law firm Cage and Fish. Ally's lives and loves ...
In a busy corporate law firm, Cooper-Fozard in the City of London, Stephen Bradley and his team work...
A look at the personal and professional lives of the judges, lawyers, clerks, bailiffs and cops who ...
A prisoner becomes a lawyer, litigating cases for other inmates while fighting to overturn his own l...
A high-end, glossy and sexy adult procedural focusing on an all-female law firm in Los Angeles. Plot...
In this legal drama, you’ll judge Jax Stewart for her questionable ethics and wild interpretations o...
Ted Black, a former federal prosecutor from New York, has reinvented himself by representing the mos...
Lawyer and recovering alcoholic Abigail Bianchi is struggling to put her career and family back toge...
Explore the relationships between exclusive escorts and their clients, for whom they provide far mor...
The lives and cases of young lawyers who work on opposite sides - the public defender's office and t...
The true tale of pioneering 18th century barrister William Garrow, who acted as counsel for the accu...
A gorgeous Yankee litigator and a charming southern attorney must hide their intense mutual attracti...
After achieving success in her younger years, the brilliant septuagenarian Madeline Matlock rejoins ...
After her successful career in Chicago, Elsbeth Tascioni, an astute but unconventional attorney, uti...