The plot of the series revolves around three yokai (supernatural creatures), Bem, Bela and Belo, who arrive at a large coastal city and come across an evil atmosphere, which was brought about by immoral behavior by humans and mischief caused by monsters and yokai. They therefore decide to stay in the city, fighting against other monsters and yokai which attack humans, making a few friends along the way. Even though the three yokai are often abused and discriminated against by other human beings due to their appearance, they still strive in protecting the human populace of the city from other monsters, one day hoping to become human beings in return for their good actions.
Those who have the blood of the Karasu Tengu in their veins must forever fight against the powers of...
As a little girl, Fuu Sawatari’s father taught her to love photography. They took pictures everywher...
Brought together by the mysterious Dr. Tarsan, four powerful psychic warriors Mia Alice, Lamba Nom, ...
Set in a future where the sky has been changed into a giant mirror, two teenage children are caught ...
Baba Lamune, a 4th grader, is pulled into another world after he beats a video game he bought from a...
October 1941, as the second World War threatens to destroy the civilized world, an unforeseen compli...
Makimura Koutarou has made up his mind: during the summer vacation, he is going to confess his love ...
In an unexpected turn of events, dull high school student Hiro Yuuki obtains the full dive role-play...
This sports anime is set in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture, and follows a team of girls as they aim ...
A group of nine determined girls enter the 7th Annual “Selection Project,” a television show where t...
As the war temporarily calms down and Edo rebuilds, Gintoki finds Shinpachi—who is still unaware of ...
As a baby, Jiro was delivered to his foster parents by a massive oni, who said he would return for J...
Shy bookstore clerk Kosuke Mikado has the ability to see ghosts and spirits, an ability he wishes he...
Los Angeles 2032. A young woman wakes up with no memories, and possessing deadly skills. The only cl...
Two assassins face off at a certain "workplace." The cool bounty hunter Chateau and the mysterious a...
Denji has a simple dream—to live a happy and peaceful life, spending time with a girl he likes. This...
High school student Michio Kaga was wandering aimlessly through life and the Internet, when he finds...
Just a few years prior, automata served as weapons in the great war. Now that the war has ended, the...
When book-loving Lady Elianna spots Prince Christopher—her betrothed in name only—consorting with an...
Betrayed and on the brink of death, genius exorcist Haruyoshi Kuga still has an ace up his sleeve—a ...