My Strange Addiction is an American documentary television series that premiered on TLC on December 29, 2010. The series focuses on people with unusual compulsive behaviors. These range from eating specific non-food items to ritualistic daily activities to bizarre personal fixations or beliefs.
Lindsay Lohan returns to New York City and reunites with friends and family. As Lindsay works to sta...
DMX: Soul of a Man was a reality television series that recorded the daily life of African American ...
Demi Lovato holds nothing back in this powerful four part documentary series exploring every aspect ...
The Hoarder Next Door is a British documentary series about compulsive hoarding. Produced by Twenty ...
People whose uncontrollable addiction to drugs, alcohol or compulsive behavior has brought them to t...
Eight people with eating disorders struggle through a 42-day treatment program at Shades of Hope, an...
Explore the rise and fall of the Synanon organization — through the eyes of the members who lived it...
Having faced a lifelong struggle trying to help her hoarder mum, Jasmine Harman sets out to help oth...
Are you spending hours of your day swiping left and right on Tinder? It’s normal as the app was crea...
A group of high school students navigate love and friendships in a world of drugs, sex, trauma, and ...
A self-loathing, alcoholic writer attempts to repair his damaged relationships with his daughter and...
In a 1950s orphanage, a young girl reveals an astonishing talent for chess and begins an unlikely jo...
Rev. Daniel Webster, an unconventional Episcopalian priest who not only believes in Jesus, but actua...
Dr. William Rush is not your average on-call doctor. He's not attached to any hospital, he's highly ...
A grieving teen finds an unexpected connection with two classmates at her new high school after they...
Maddie is a teenage girl dealing with addiction who has a reputation as a party girl who doesn’t thi...
A father who never stopped fighting against drugs. A son who never stopped using them. Two sides of ...
After hitting rock-bottom from his own addictions during the birth of his twins, William Banks strik...