The Secret Life of Machines is an educational television series presented by Tim Hunkin and Rex Garrod, in which the two explain the inner workings and history of common household and office machinery. According to Hunkin, the show's creator, the programme was developed from his comic strip The Rudiments of Wisdom, which he researched and drew for the Observer newspaper over a period of 14 years. Three separate groupings of the broadcast were produced and originally shown between 1988 and 1993 on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom, with the production subsequently airing on The Learning Channel and the Discovery Channel.
Philippe Cousteau Jr., grandson of the legendary Jacques Cousteau, explores the most spectacular pla...
Using his knowledge of today’s animal kingdom and the latest research, wildlife adventurer Nigel Mar...
Discover how and why the world’s most iconic bridges were built.
Hosted by the local comedy talent Paulo Bonfá, this brazilian version of "Science of Stupid" combine...
Iain Stewart reveals some surprising facts about the world's most destructive and spectacular natura...
Hosted by Jochen Schropp, this series combines hard data and scientific observations with some of th...
Science of action is described in several different daily routine activities like sports, stunts, ad...
Hosted by Argentine television personality Alejandro Marley, this series combines hard data and scie...
Hosted by Ymke Wieringa, this series combines hard data and scientific observations with some of the...
Jack Whitehall and his father embark on a globe-trotting trip to find answers to the big questions f...
Hosted by Mexican TV personality Alfonso "Poncho" Herrera, this series combines hard data and scient...
From germs and emotions to social media and more, it's the science of your world explained in a way ...
MythBusters is a science entertainment television program created and produced by Australia's Beyond...
Zoboomafoo is an American children's television series that aired from January 25, 1999, to April 28...
Australian host Steve Irwin and his wife Terri run a wildlife refuge. Their shared passion is educat...
Antiques Roadshow is a British television show in which antiques appraisers travel to various region...
In the series, "Wallace will take a light hearted and humorous look at the real-life inventors, cont...