Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! is an American/Japanese animated television series, and was created by Ciro Nieli, one of the directors of Teen Titans, with animation being done by a Japanese studio known as The Answer Studio. Set mainly on the fictional planet of Shuggazoom, the series follows the adventures of five cyborg monkeys and a human boy named Chiro as they struggle to protect their planet - and the rest of the universe - from the forces of evil. As is obvious from the visual appearance of the show, there is a significant anime influence present, despite being produced for American television. It was also influenced by Star Trek, Super Sentai, Voltron, and Star Wars. The show also contains various references to pop culture, a notable example being the episode "Season of the Skull", which is a parody of the 1970s thriller The Wicker Man.
At the turn of the century, the Angels returned to Earth, seeking to wipe out humanity in an apocaly...
The Adventures of Sinbad is a Canadian television series which aired from 1996 to 1998. It follows o...
The special depicts the origins of Rcules Hasty and his rise to kinghood of Shugoddam as Ohkuwagata ...
It's the 30th century and time travel is illegal. To help monitor and police time crimes, the Time P...
Flash Gordon is a 1996 animated television series based on the science fiction comic strip of the sa...
After 30 years of peace is Kisawazu, the Eight Swords of Sealing are scattered from the Yatsurugi Sh...
A sci-fi comedy series satirizing Japanese Kaiju Movies and Tokusatsu TV shows of the 1960s and 1970...
Earth kids enter a conflict between two factions of Transformers.
Five lion robots and their pilots defend the planet Arus and the galaxy from evil King Zarkon.
The Lupin Collection, a vast ensemble of dangerous items acquired by the legendary gentleman thief A...
Kotaro Higashi trained to be a boxer, but after an icident with Astromons, he was killed. However, h...
Team Epic is a fast-paced live action comedy that provides an original look into the everyday lives ...
Ultraman Cosmos is a Japanese tokusatsu TV show being the 17th show in the Ultra Series. Produced by...
The three Tribes of the Daos Empire - Shura, Dai and Gorma - were peaceful until the Gorma set out t...
Years ago, two leaders battled for the fantastical land of Eternia, one became the good King Randor,...
After the Bowzock, a ruthless — not to mention reckless — gang of interstellar biker thugs, destroy ...
Twenty years after their planet was attacked by the brutal Zone Empire, the five Hoshikawa children,...
While Megatron takes drastic measures to save the Decepticons, the Autobots fight to save all of Cyb...
In a modern society where top spinners are popular around the world, Somewhere in Seoul, South Korea...
In the Year F.C. (Future Century) 60, much of mankind inhabits space colonies which orbit the Earth....