Based on the popular BBC series running since 1979, the PBS Antiques Roadshow combines history with discovery. Each year, the show visits a handful of cities to appraise items brought in by viewers. Are these items worth a lot of money, more than the visitors expect?
Journalist Fiona Bruce teams up with art expert Philip Mould to investigate the provenance or attrib...
Helen Skelton leads a team of experts in search of precious items lost by members of the public in t...
An antique shop is at the core of a mystery as its owner who hails from a family that has long been ...
Kendra Todd helps three homeowners in three different parts of the country have their homes evaluate...
A Canadian version of the popular British TV series hosted by Valerie Pringle.
Three skilled teams hit the beach to renovate identical beachfront properties. With some help from T...
Antiques en France. On a buying trip to Provence, dealers are on the hunt for hidden treasures in it...
Sheldon Smithens, an antiques dealer, auctioneer and appraiser by trade, and his partner Scott Cozen...
Pickers like Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz are on a mission to recycle America, even if it means diving...
Nigel Havers welcomes people with an item they’d like to sell, introducing them to a valuation exper...
In a comedy framework, the valuation arrives at the house of Abu Saud, who inherited it from his fat...
Australian host Steve Irwin and his wife Terri run a wildlife refuge. Their shared passion is educat...
Most Evil is an American forensics television program on Investigation Discovery presented by forens...
Meerkat Manor is a British television programme produced by Oxford Scientific Films for Animal Plane...
Horizon tells amazing science stories, unravels mysteries and reveals worlds you've never seen befor...
Beyond Tomorrow is an Australian television series produced by Beyond Television Productions. It beg...
The people, places and stories making news in the British countryside.