3 lbs is a drama that aired on CBS from November 14 to 28, 2006, replacing the cancelled series Smith. The show itself was then canceled three weeks later due to poor ratings. The title refers to the fact that the average human brain weighs approximately three pounds. The show follows the medical careers of prominent brain surgeon Doctor Douglas Hanson and his protégé, Jonathan Seger. The show was promoted as, "The next great medical drama." The theme song is "Calling All Angels" by Train. Eight episodes were made, and the five episodes that did not originally air in the United States are available on Amazon Unbox. The program filmed in New York City at the request of Tucci, who didn't want to be away from home to make the series. When the pilot was originally filmed Dylan McDermott played Dr. Doug Hanson, and Reiko Aylesworth played Dr. Adrienne Holland.
Presidio Med is an American medical drama that aired on CBS from September 2002, to January 2003. Th...
St. Elsewhere is an American medical drama television series that originally ran on NBC from October...
The play tells the story of the Yanxi Hospital doctor Xu Qingfeng on the voyage back from studying a...
Once rivals in school, two brilliant doctors reunite by chance — each facing life’s worst slump and ...
Kawauchi Miyabi was once a promising neurosurgeon, but an accident caused damage to Miyabi's brain. ...
Life Support is a medical drama series that aired on BBC Scotland. Aisling O'Sullivan starred as Dr....
Drama series about the staff and patients at Holby City Hospital's emergency department, charting th...
Drama series about life on the wards of Holby City Hospital, following the highs and lows of the sta...
Trapper John, M.D. is an American television medical drama and spin-off of the film MASH, concerning...
This series takes place at a cutting-edge city hospital. The first season follows Ella, a skilled ob...
A brilliant general medicine doctor dreams only of becoming a famous dancer. He returns to Japan to ...
During the winter, Yuichi was hospitalized due to hepatitis. Randomly he would try to escape from th...
Tormented and bedridden by a debilitating disease, a mystery writer relives his detective stories th...
Medical Investigation was an American medical drama television series that began September 9, 2004, ...
The lives of staff at the fictional Kings Cross Hospital and the wild streets of Darlinghurst in the...
Jung Ha Yoon is a graduate student who successfully passed the bar exam. However, she is not finishe...
A high-octane suspense drama that centers on Dr. Ellen Sanders, a premier surgeon thrust into a chil...
Max is the new on-board doctor for a luxury cruise ship where the small but mighty medical team navi...
Orphaned Jang-geum becomes the first female physician in the Joseon Dynasty and her determination is...
The story of the early days of Deadwood, South Dakota; woven around actual historic events with most...