Sightings is an American paranormal and news television series that originally aired from April 17, 1992 to August 1, 1997. The program began as a special titled The UFO Report: Sightings on October 18, 1991. The original Concept Creator and Supervising Producer of that hour special produced by Paramount for Fox TV was Linda Moulton Howe, an Emmy Award-winning TV producer and documentary filmmaker of TV specials about science and the environment. One of her Emmy award-winning broadcasts was A Strange Harvest, about the worldwide animal-mutilation mystery linked by law enforcement to extraterrestrial biological entities.
Most Haunted is a British paranormal mystery documentary reality television series. The series was f...
Weird Travels is an American documentary paranormal television series that originally aired from 200...
Craig Charles, the BBC 6 Music Radio DJ, star of Red Dwarf and Coronation Street, hosts the show alo...
Scariest Places on Earth is an American paranormal documentary reality television series that origin...
Are we finally a step closer to understanding the great unknown and what it may – or may not – hold?...
In Search of... is a television series that was broadcast weekly from 1977 to 1982, devoted to myste...
Utilizing a team of reputable professionals working alongside "The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch" veter...
UFO Files is an American television series that was produced from 2004 to 2007 for The History Chann...
Ghost Hunters Academy is a paranormal reality television series that premiered on November 11, 2009,...
A chilling series in which survivors of a paranormal experience relive their harrowing encounter.
Investigates the mysteries behind declassified top secret government files with stunning details abo...
Nick Groff, a paranormal investigator who's "on a mission to discover something new in the paranorma...
A paranormal investigation team hunt for ghosts in asylums, sanitariums and mental hospitals in this...
Michael Aspel explores supernatural phenomena and unexplained mysteries from ghosts and poltergeists...
Mass UFO sightings from the last 50 years fuel a global mystery in this docuseries featuring eyewitn...
Exploring haunted locations associated with infamous serial killers, Zak Bagans and the Ghost Advent...
Ghosthunters is a British paranormal documentary television series that originally aired from 1996 t...