Doctor Snuggles is an animated television series created by Jeffrey O'Kelly based on original artwork by Nick Price, about a friendly and optimistic inventor named Doctor Snuggles who has unusual adventures with his friends. The show featured fantastical scenarios which usually involved Doctor Snuggles inventing something outlandish such as a robot helper or diamond-making machine, and had a variety of supporting characters who were mostly anthropomorphic animals.
Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! is an American educational animated children's television show created by Bob Boyl...
Ten’ikai General Hospital’s Supervisory Department of Diagnostic Pathology handles cases other physi...
The play tells the story of the Yanxi Hospital doctor Xu Qingfeng on the voyage back from studying a...
The Muppet Babies (Kermit, Piggy, Gonzo, Fozzy and company) live in a large nursery watched over by ...
After the death of his wife, world-class neurosurgeon Dr. Andrew Brown leaves Manhattan and moves hi...
Kenzou Tenma, a Japanese brain surgeon in Germany, finds his life in utter turmoil after getting inv...
In the series, "Wallace will take a light hearted and humorous look at the real-life inventors, cont...
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show is an American syndicated science fiction sitcom based on the ...
Kuroo Hazama, also known as "Black Jack," is a legend in the medical world. Famous for being one of ...
When genius cybernetics engineer Ted Lawson brings home his top-secret invention, a Voice Input Chil...
The Black Forest Clinic is a German language medical drama television series that was produced by an...
Medical drama series, local adaptation of the Korean scripted format “Dr. Romantic”, centering on a ...
The story of Kevin Arnold facing the trials and tribulations of youth while growing up during the 19...
Dr. Mark Sloan is a good-natured, offbeat physician who is called upon to solve murders.
The adventures of Joanna Beauchamp and her two adult daughters Freya and Ingrid -- both of whom unkn...
Widowed pediatrician Harry Weston is a miracle worker when it comes to dealing with his young patien...
April, an aspiring journalist, is balancing her ambitious career with her family and a new office ro...
Poong Sang is a lonely, pitiful middle-aged man, who has never lived his life for himself. Up until ...