Tara Duncan is a French animated series produced by Moonscoop, best known for Code Lyoko. The show premiered in June 2010 in France on Disney XD, and at an unknown date in the United States. It is based on a series of French novels. Tara Duncan is a TV series about a 17-year old girl who is also a Spellbinder and defeats evil villains from the Otherworld with her fellow Spellbinders and friends Sparrow and Cal.
Fatherhood is an American animated television series revolving around the Bindlebeep family and vari...
Misaka’s electro-manipulation abilities – and delightfully destructive Railgun projectile move – mak...
History is coming to an end. When humans came down from the sky they brought with them the Testament...
In the year 1580, a man named Lord Nobunaga Oda sends hoards of unholy armies across Japan, slaying ...
For decades, the Galactic Empire has been locked in an interstellar war with the Free Planets Allian...
Around the World in 80 Days is an animated television series that lasted one season of sixteen episo...
The evil Shadow Lord has taken control of the kingdom of Deltora and has driven the land and its peo...
It tells the legendary story of Dongbo Xueying, his wife Yu Jingqiu and others who have overcome dif...
The story of a young woman fighting for her survival in a real "urban jungle." Only 18 years old, Ku...
Hajime Nagumo and his high school class are suddenly summoned to a fantastical land as heroes. But w...
With Earth colonized by a superior alien civilization, Akira's only chance at a better future is to ...
The show revolves around the lives of 8-year-old Arthur Read, an anthropomorphic aardvark, his frien...
Now the Blue Sky King, Darel must lead a rescue mission to save a Dream Walker -- leaving the villag...
One hundred thousand years ago, the Heavenly Lan Clan reigned over the cultivation world, and all th...
In a world where select mortals can ascend to godhood and achieve immortality, the disgraced Crown P...
Anime series based on the book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The series showed the extended adventure...
10,000 years ago in the world of Luofu, the banished immortal was born and the evil emperor was resu...
Anne Shirley goes through quite a lot of adventures before she ends up in Green Gables. She is livin...