Tara Duncan is a French animated series produced by Moonscoop, best known for Code Lyoko. The show premiered in June 2010 in France on Disney XD, and at an unknown date in the United States. It is based on a series of French novels. Tara Duncan is a TV series about a 17-year old girl who is also a Spellbinder and defeats evil villains from the Otherworld with her fellow Spellbinders and friends Sparrow and Cal.
It tells the legendary story of Dongbo Xueying, his wife Yu Jingqiu and others who have overcome dif...
High school student Michio Kaga was wandering aimlessly through life and the Internet, when he finds...
Anne Shirley goes through quite a lot of adventures before she ends up in Green Gables. She is livin...
Anime series based on the book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The series showed the extended adventure...
10,000 years ago in the world of Luofu, the banished immortal was born and the evil emperor was resu...
Betrayed and on the brink of death, genius exorcist Haruyoshi Kuga still has an ace up his sleeve—a ...
Inspired by Jean de Brunhoff and Laurent de Brunhoff's beloved children's books, this animated serie...
The story of a young woman fighting for her survival in a real "urban jungle." Only 18 years old, Ku...
For decades, the Galactic Empire has been locked in an interstellar war with the Free Planets Allian...
His past life and current life are intersecting--a boy with memories of two lives faces his destiny!...
With Earth colonized by a superior alien civilization, Akira's only chance at a better future is to ...
There is an urban legend that tells of a shinigami that can release people from the pain they are su...
After crash-landing on Earth, two royal teen aliens on the run struggle to blend in with humans as t...
Now the Blue Sky King, Darel must lead a rescue mission to save a Dream Walker -- leaving the villag...
In this world, creatures like vampires and werewolves still walk about, but Aya Rindo can’t say the ...
It has been several centuries since human population has declined. Food has become harder to find an...
The Tang Sect in a turbulent world. There is nothing but martial spirit here. Ten thousand years aft...
In the modern world, a lonely man dies and reincarnates in another world. Rescued as a baby from a t...
Misaka’s electro-manipulation abilities – and delightfully destructive Railgun projectile move – mak...
After a necromancer takes over the magical world of Idhun, two adolescent earthlings help fight an a...