Behind Closed Doors is an American drama series set during the Cold War hosted by and occasionally starring Bruce Gordon in the role of Commander Matson. The series, which aired on NBC from October 2, 1958, to April 9, 1959, focuses, among other themes, on how the former Soviet Union stole American missile secrets and proposes steps to prevent further espionage. Behind Closed Doors is based on the files and experiences of Rear Admiral Ellis M. Zacharias, who offers comments at the end of each segment. Behind Closed Doors, a Screen Gems production, replaced Jackie Cooper's sitcom The People's Choice, followed the NBC quiz show, Twenty-One, and preceded the The Tennessee Ernie Ford Show. Its competition was The Pat Boone Chevy Show on ABC and Dick Powell's Zane Grey Theater western anthology series on CBS.
After a defector is murdered, British agent Fielding Scott is assigned to track down a mole in his o...
Traffic policeman Shen Hong Fei watched helplessly as his master was attacked by gangsters and serio...
A mysterious, clever girl named Nanno transfers to different schools, exposing the lies and misdeeds...
Jinto Lin's life changes forever when the Humankind Empire Abh takes over his home planet of Martine...
Twisted Tales is a dark and stylish comedy drama series. With intense scripts written by a mix of es...
Escape is an American anthology series that aired on the NBC network from February 11 to April 1, 19...
A truly amazing, fantastical, science fiction, funny and odd, and sometimes scary, sad and endearing...
Six beloved African folktales are boldly reimagined in this multilingual anthology series exploring ...
A five-episode anthology that serves as a continuation of the stories of Pick and Rome (Secret Love:...
Gulf Playhouse is an NBC anthology series that aired on Friday nights. It was a live show that was s...
Letter to Loretta is an American anthology drama series telecast on NBC from September 1953 to June ...
For decades, the Galactic Empire has been locked in an interstellar war with the Free Planets Allian...
Starlight Theatre is an American anthology series that aired on CBS television from April 2, 1950 to...
As the Cold War rages, ex-smuggler turned reluctant spy Harry Palmer finds himself at the centre of ...
Inspired by the classic Brothers Grimm stories, this anthology features six fairy tales with a dark ...
Ghost Story is an American television anthology series that aired for one season on NBC from 1972 to...
Stories about strange, annoying and even scary moments in our lives: domestic violence, the madness ...
The Clock is a 30-minute American anthology television series based upon the American Broadcasting C...
For Love and Honor is a short-lived American military drama series that aired on NBC from September ...