Duck Patrol is a British television comedy series that originally aired in 1998. Produced by LWT for the ITV network, it centered around a river police station by the River Thames. The script for the pilot episode 'Of Ducks and Men' was re-filmed with some changes to supporting cast and main cast uniforms, and retitled as 'Flying Colours' which then became the first episode of the following series.
Black Books centres around the foul tempered and wildly eccentric bookshop owner Bernard Black. Bern...
Maya, the young communications director for a New York senatorial campaign, receives a wedding invit...
Ben Harper is a moderately successful family man and dentist. He is also undergoing a mid-life crisi...
Spaced: the anti-Friends, in that it examines the lives of common 20 somethings, but in a way that i...
Peep Show follows the lives of two men from their twenties to thirties, Mark Corrigan, who has stead...
Sitcom about flatmates Josh, Kate and Owen, and their annoying landlord Geoff.
Lee is a childish northerner who lives in a fancy penthouse apartment in London who goes through a v...
A long-running German television series about a two-man team of highway police, originally set in Be...
A righteous fallen angel must work with a rating-obsessed reporter to investigate crimes as journali...
Tequila and Bonetti is an American comedy-drama series
Top Cat, known as T.C. to his alley cat friends, is a mischievous prankster who lives in a trash can...
Classic BBC comedy starring Robert Lindsay as revolutionary leader Wolfie Smith of the Tooting Popul...
PhoneShop is a British sitcom that was first broadcast on Channel 4 as a television pilot on 13 Nove...
Set in the world of fashion and PR, immature fun-loving mother Edina Monsoon and her best friend Pat...
Running late on her first day as a patrol woman for the Bokuto Police Department, spunky moped rider...
Police Academy: The Series is a syndicated 1997 television series spin-off from the Police Academy s...
Black Blood Brothers, also known as BBB, is a light novel series written by Kōhei Azano and illustra...
The Thin Blue Line is a British sitcom starring Rowan Atkinson set in a police station that ran for ...
Meet Chase McDonald and August Brooks. Two guys who will do anything to keep L.A. safe . . . even if...