Strange Frequency is an American television horror anthology series. It aired on VH1 for one season in 2001. The series was hosted by Roger Daltry, former front man for the British rock band The Who, and consisted of 12 single story episodes, each one revolving around a musical theme.
A truly amazing, fantastical, science fiction, funny and odd, and sometimes scary, sad and endearing...
Tales of science fiction, fantasy and the occult, exploring humanity's hopes, despairs, prides and p...
A series of stand-alone horror shorts ranging from the terrifying to the ridiculous.
An omnibus web series about four individuals filled with regret who are able to order delivery from ...
Piang, an ordinary girl, who was born with a sixth sense that makes her able to see any spirit, gets...
The story revolves around a first-year high school student, Teiichi Niiya who had just enrolled at S...
Out of This World is a British science fiction anthology television series made by ABC Television an...
Horror anthology series, with each episode comprising two half-hour stories dealing with themes of t...
This anthology of animated shorts from around the world celebrates the mythos of Star Wars through u...
Kohiruimaki Yuichi is a police officer who established the "Science Crime Countermeasures Office", a...
An anthology of various tales with robots being the one common element among them. It consists of ni...
Pursued by intergalactic bounty hunters, the Critters return to Earth on a secret mission and encoun...
Stryx was an Italian TV series, aired in 1978 on Rai Due. Stryx thematically referred to Hell, devil...
A live-action children's television anthology series retelling popular fairy tales.
Horror Theater Unbalance is a 1973 Japanese Anthology television series created by Tsuburaya and Fuj...
Blade is a half-man, half-vampire who employs his extraordinary powers in a crusade to save mankind ...
Rod Serling narrates an anthology of fantasy, horror and sci-fi stories from a set resembling a maca...
An anthology series based on the works of Stephen King.
The evil, sinister killer of the "Nightmare On Elm Street" movies, Freddy Krueger, hosts this show, ...