The story of Jesus from the locations recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Dave travels to ove...
Dave Stotts explores the amazing lives of the very first Christians. Beginning in Jerusalem and usin...
From the Patriarchs of the Old Testament to the events in Jerusalem during the life of Christ, Dave ...
Join Dave Stotts on an adventure through early American history as he tells the stories of the peopl...
Join Dave Stotts on an adventure through world history as he tells the stories of the people, places...
Dr Francesca Stavrakopoulou examines how archaeological discoveries are changing the way people inte...
A four-part history of the Inquisition, a 500-year campaign against heretics by the Roman Catholic C...
God in America explores the tumultuous 400-year history of the intersection of religion and public ...
Featuring interviews with Hillsong insiders, megachurch experts, and Ranin Karim – the woman whose f...
Eight-part history of the Christian faith, looking at its origins, development and turbulent past. H...
The Bible is both a religious and historical work, but how much is myth and how much is history?
Jonathan Phillips attempts to find the answer to the question: How did Christianity grow and develop...
An epic adventure that aims to unravel the mystery at the heart of our existence: the questions of o...
Morgan Freeman presents his quest in order to find how most religions perceive life after death, wha...
A series of programmes exploring great figures and events from biblical times. Historical, archaeolo...
Theologian Hans Küng explains and explores religions around the world, where they originated, and wh...