This classic series follows the events that sparked the greatest conflict of the century, capturing the drama, the excitement and the ideological juxtapositions of these crucial years. Former CBS News correspondent and commentator Eric Sevareid, one of the world's most respected figures in journalism, presents this extraordinary series featuring stunning original newsreels, soundtracks, and rare archival footage.
Follow the search for the truth behind the many rumored and potentially damaging recordings of Presi...
Joe Biden is tearing America apart, and the media refuses to report on the impact of Biden’s treason...
Yury Dud interviews famous figures, including musicians (mainly rappers), politicians, journalists, ...
Politician Peter Laurence's private life is falling apart. Shamelessly untroubled by guilt or remors...
A politician wants to make his son's future in politics but his son, Aditya wants to make his own de...
Artist and social commentator Grayson Perry crosses the US, exploring its biggest fault lines, from ...
Through two films, this documentary reveals the creation and disintegration, within our own time, of...
In 1988, renegade filmmaker Robert Altman and Pulitzer Prize–winning Doonesbury cartoonist Garry Tru...
ABC's Sunday morning political affairs program, currently hosted by George Stephanopoulos.
DRAW FOR CHANGE! is a 6 part documentary series about female cartoonists from all around the globe, ...
Special series looking at the defining moments of the last century, caught on camera. Hear the stori...
The Howard Years was a documentary series about the prime ministership of John Howard produced by th...
Nick Hewer and Margaret Mountford explore the impact of immigration in the UK by bringing both sides...
A series featuring six major artists and writers who live and work in exile.