The Crystal Maze was a British game show, produced by Chatsworth Television and shown on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom between 15 February 1990 and 10 August 1995. The series is set in "The Crystal Maze", which features four different "zones" set in various periods of time and space. A team of six contestants take part in a series of challenges in order to win "time crystals". Each crystal gives the team five seconds of time inside "The Crystal Dome", the centrepiece of the maze where the contestants take part in their final challenge.
Greed is an American television game show that aired on Fox from November 4, 1999 until July 14, 200...
"Come on down!" The Price Is Right features a wide variety of games and contests with the same basic...
A series that will pit Jack Douglass against friends, fans, and fellow creators in a battle of the w...
A text message arrives from a dead friend. Since then, mysterious cases take place in a high school,...
Lingo is a British game show hosted by Adil Ray where pairs of contestants compete to find words acr...
An Australian version of the Dutch game show, Deal or No Deal is the exhilarating hit game show wher...
The 1% Club is a game show like no other! Unlike most quizzes, they don't need to brush up on genera...
America's favorite quiz show where contestants are presented with general knowledge clues in the for...
The Generation Game was a British game show produced by the BBC in which four teams of two competed ...
Three lucky contestants put their pop culture knowledge to the test to complete iconic, People Puzzl...
If your friends went through a mysterious door and got lost in an alternate universe, would you come...
“Prison Life of Fools” is a variety show where the cast members will divide themselves into differen...
A fast-paced quiz show in which four contestants who do not know each other join forces in a dramati...
This game show sees contestants solve word puzzles, similar to those used in Hangman, to win cash an...