A much cherished annual tradition since 1972, the show includes special musical performances, report...
A four-part documentary on rock band Led Zeppelin.
The Wanted Life is an American reality television series that follows the English-Irish boy band gro...
Follow the feud between global poster Swift and music industry exec Braun, looking at the $300M disp...
The Rap of China is a Chinese rap reality show produced by IQiyi. The show is based on a South Korea...
Hila Noorzai reflects on their success with artists and producers of the most successful Eurodance a...
Two young boy bands from Japan BALLISTIK BOYZ and PSYCHIC FEVER have to live in Thailand for six mon...
A four-part documentary series about the Norwegian musical comedy trio Prima Vera. Featuring vintage...
The Eurovision Song Contest is an international song competition, organised annually by the European...
This Emmy-award winning series features performances by musical artists in the setting of a Victoria...
Thalia takes audiences on a musical journey, uncovering the classics that inspired generations of ar...
Offers a reappraisal of "yacht rock", a critically neglected era of music popularized by a boom in F...