Hosted by Marcel Theroux, the show explores the story of Marius ‘Theo’ Gustavson, known as the Eunuch Maker; reported to be running a financial business from his home in Finsbury Park by operating and live streaming sexual organ removal surgeries online in front of audiences in their thousands. Before it hit headlines in 2022, and nine individuals were charged in March 2023, not much was known about the Nullo community. Marcel Theroux takes the audience on a journey to explore why people were motivated to join the community, and speaks to the victims as well as the consenting individuals, together with experts from around the world to give their own insight into this investigation.
How could it happen that the Dutch State became the largest drug importer of the 1990s? The docuseri...
Ibiza is moving upmarket. With access to clubs, villas and yachts as well as police and emergency se...
Compelling true crime series about the perilous landscape of modern dating, telling the stories of w...
Investigative journalists discover the history of the most dangerous Polish criminal groups of the '...
For ten years, eleven people from the same wealthy family lived under the sway of one man: Thierry T...
With the prospect of no in-person music opportunities during the pandemic, and to play off their mos...
Life with an electronic tag. Drug use, poverty and a lack of options stand in the way of turning the...
Documentary following the officers of Britain's biggest and busiest police service as they deal with...
When a rookie FBI agent uncovers a massive money laundering operation in American horse racing, he r...
An in-depth look at the people who were arrested for allegedly committing some of the weirdest, wild...
The series takes you inside some of the world’s most notorious prisons. Every episode delves into th...
Peek into the gorilla habitat at Cleveland Metroparks, where two new babies are adapting to life in ...
Ex-SAS leader Billy Billingham takes viewers on an immersive journey that looks at how police and en...
As the prosecution builds its case, Alex Murdaugh's defense team pokes holes at every turn—but will ...
Keep an eye on the daily routines, quirky habits and cozy habitats of several baby animals at Clevel...
In 2008, Aarushi Talwar, a 14-year-old schoolgirl is found murdered in her bedroom. A day later, the...
All cities, even the great ones, harbor dark secrets. Homicide City: Charlotte uncovers the most dra...
Explore five powerful New York Mafia families, who ran organized crime in America.
Gangland Chronicles offers an inside look at some of the world’s most notorious criminal organizatio...