Three for the Road is an American drama television series that aired on CBS from September 14 to November 30, 1975. The series centers on Pete Karras, played by Alex Rocco, a recently widowed photojournalist travelling around the United States with two sons, John and Endy, in a recreational vehicle.
The High-Sierra adventures of Ben Cartwright and his sons as they run and defend their ranch while h...
Beach Girls was a six-part 2005 American mini-series produced by Fox and Robert Greenwald Production...
While traveling across the country in a run-down RV, drag queen Ruby Red discovers an unlikely sidek...
Charlie Grace is a Los Angeles private eye with a daughter named Jenny, works along with other cops,...
A single father who has no cooking experience and can't even make a fried egg satisfactorily... A be...
After the death of his wife, Sarah, John West, packs up his three children and moves from their hect...
Flipper, from Ivan Tors Films in association with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Television, is an American tel...
The story of a young group of siblings pretty much abandoned by their parents, surviving by their wi...
After the death of his wife, world-class neurosurgeon Dr. Andrew Brown leaves Manhattan and moves hi...
A story about quitting being a good boy and chasing evil to the end for the sake of the mother and s...
When Lee Jeong-in and Yu Ji-ho meet, something unexpected happens. Or it just may be that spring is ...
A sheriff living in a beachfront motel in a small Florida town is also a single father who is raisin...
Blossom Russo is a highly intelligent and spunky teenager. The youngest of three, she lives with her...
After his mother's death, Jed Perry and his father move to northern California, where Jed enrolls at...
Qi Si Le needs to secure the Maolin planning project in order to cover the surgery expenses for her ...
A family drama involving a 32-year-old unmarried man who is raising four children! Kim Tae Pyung is ...
A divorcee with cancer and a penniless single father meet and heal their wounds with the help of eac...
A recently widowed father, quits his job as a popular 800 word columnist for a top selling Sydney ne...
Following the brutal rape and murder of his teenage daughter, a single father seeks revenge against ...