Paper Dolls is an American prime time soap opera which aired for 14 episodes on ABC from September 23, 1984 to December 25, 1984. Set in New York's fashion industry, the show centered around top modeling agency owner Racine, her conflicts with the family of cosmetics tycoon Grant Harper, and the careers of two teenage models. The series was based on a 1982 TV movie of the same name.
In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are...
Marlene Paez is a beautiful model who transcended many levels of pain and misery to reach internatio...
Jia Fan, a humble seafood shop worker, unexpectedly steps into the world of modeling and clashes wit...
With no money and a sick young son, Angel returns to the underworld of fashion and luxury. Giovanna ...
Maria Eduarda "Duda" Pinheiro is a successful top model. After being hired to model Covery brand clo...
The daily lives of young models living together in a models' residence in New York, while struggling...
After being duped and going bankrupt, model Maddie is convinced by David to become a partner in a de...
Models Inc. is an American prime time soap opera that aired on the Fox television network during the...
Awkward teen Harriet has always wanted to fit in. Until she gets scouted by a top London model agent...
A former catwalk model is on the run, mainly from herself. Long term it's a story of personal renewa...
An idealistic teen from rural Texas embarks on the adventure of a lifetime when she decides to leave...
A teenager who dreams with a career as a top model becomes part of a prostitution scheme and meets a...
It tells the story of young people who dream of a modeling career and the rise of their lives. It al...
Beautiful and naïve Maggy Lunel arrives in Paris completely broke. She becomes an artist's model and...
Model Suit Gunpla Builders Beginning G is an original video animation series produced by Sunrise to ...
Models are the epitome of beauty, fame and glamour. They are the lucky few - blessed with faces and ...
Bittersweet comedy about a 61-year-old former model trying to cope with life in London.
Asia's Next Top Model (AsNTM) is a reality television show based on the American franchise America's...